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At FriendshipWorks, making connections between people is an integral part of our work. By working to reduce elder isolation and replace it with the warmth and comfort of caring and dedicated friends. In this way, we are committed to addressing the various conditions that can precipitate an older adult becoming socially isolated. 

We offer a number of Resource Guides to help people make connections to what they need. It may be a ride to a medical appointment, a guide specific to a location or low vision service providers, or a newsletter providing spiritual nourishment and working with art and poetry.

These resources are free for downloading and we hope they help you to connect in the way that best serves you or someone you care about.


Low vision

 Low-Vision Resource Guide for Elder Service Providers

While most of us have some visual changes as we age, for some elders this loss is life-altering and can lead to social isolation and loneliness. This is why FriendshipWorks has a special focus on elder vision loss. We have partnered with Boston’s low vision experts to create a Low-Vision Resource Guide. The guide is a tool for elder service providers to help you quickly access low vision resources and provide appropriate referrals for older adults.

The Low-Vision Resource Guide is available online here Low-Vision Resource Guide for Elder Service Providers. You may also request a hard copy from Christy Waybright at: or call 617-482-1510 x123.



Transportation and Escort Services Guide 

In response to Boston’s growing senior population and the need for transportation options, FriendshipWorks published this Transportation & Escort Services Guide to be a resource for practitioners, older adults, and their families. This guide is specifically for understanding the transportation resources available for the elderly and persons with disabilities living in Greater Boston, Brookline, Cambridge and Newton.  You can download the latest version here:

Transportation and Escort Services Guide


Allston Brighton Elder Resource Guide

 FriendshipWorks, in partnership with the Allston-Brighton Health Collaborative and St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, has produced a valuable resource for older adults: the Allston Brighton Elder Resource Guide. This guide includes important information on vital services for older adults with a focus on organizations that serve the Allston Brighton neighborhoods. The guide was created with an older adult user/reader in mind. If you are interested in a physical copy of the guide, please contact or 617-482-1510 x132. You can download it here:

English Version
Spanish Version


 Relaxing Through the Arts Resource Guides

Relaxing through the Arts is a nursing home outreach program that connects residents with the natural world and with each other through art projects, haiku poetry, and conversation. These guides include important information for anyone who wants to run such a program.

You can download these guides here:

Nursing Homes
Group Sessions


Interfaith Companion Guide

Since our inception in 1984, when we were known as MATCH-UP Interfaith Volunteers, a key partner in this work has been our local religious communities and congregations. Each religious tradition, each congregation, has brought enormously valuable and unique perspectives to the task of creating meaningful intergenerational friendships. In a time so full of challenge, the richness of our spiritual traditions and communities still provides us with hope and optimism for a future where older adults are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

In this way, The Companion provides for intergenerational, interreligious reflections on faith and aging. It is our hope that the contents of this guide will bring you a sense of spiritual companionship.

We have been heartened by the incredible ongoing work of our volunteers, the resiliency of our elders, and the contributions of our religious partners. We are overjoyed to share with you these reflections; as always; we welcome your feedback and support.

Interfaith Companion Guide


Program Reports

FriendshipWorks is committed to providing quality programs. To achieve this level of quality and to ensure it remains as we grow, the organization takes a regular look at what we are doing right and where we can improve. FriendshipWorks has ongoing evaluation efforts in order to collect information that will guide our decision-making and advance our programs. Check out what we have using the links below.

Medical Escorting: Improving Access to Health Care
Friendly Visiting: Who Needs Companionship in Later-Life?
Friendly Visiting: Deep Connections that Blossom from Weekly Visitation
PetPals: Enhancing the Nursing Home Environment


Rack Cards

FriendshipWorks offers bilingual rack cards for our Friendly Visiting and Medical Escort Programs, and a general all Programs rack card.

Bilingual ALL Programs rack card

Bilingual Friendly Visiting program rack card

Bilingual Medical Escort program rack card